Wachstum bei LMG Hoym: Spatenstich für eine neue Produktionshalle
Investition von 50 Millionen Euro und Gewinn eines Großauftrags

Entgegen aktuellen Trends in der Aluminiumbranche erweitert die LMG Manufacturing GmbH in Seeland/Hoym ihre Produktion und investiert 50 Mio. Euro in eine neue Fertigungshalle mit vier Produktionslinien. Die Erweiterung schafft rund 120 zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze und stärkt das Unternehmen langfristig. LMG Hoym vollzieht damit konsequent die Transformation im Automobilsektor weg von der Verbrennerwelt und wird Zulieferer von Aluminium-Druckgussteilen für E-Fahrzeuge.
Anlässlich des Spatenstichs für die neue Fertigungshalle von LMG Manufacturing sagte Sven Schulze, Minister für Wirtschaft, Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Forsten des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt: „Ich freue mich sehr über die Entscheidung, den Standort Hoym im Herzen Sachsen-Anhalts nachhaltig zu stärken und gratuliere dem Automobilzulieferer LMG zu seinem zukunftsorientierten Wachstum.“ Dr. Robert Franke, Geschäftsführer der Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH (IMG), die das Unternehmen LMG betreut, ergänzte: „Der Aufbau von Kapazitäten zur Produktion von Komponenten für E-Fahrzeuge wird einen wichtigen Impuls für die gesamte Automotive-Branche in Sachsen-Anhalt setzen.“
Der Aluminium-Druckguss-Spezialist wurde Ende 2022 vom indischen Traditionsunternehmen Jaya Hind übernommen. Die aktuelle Investition ist ein erster Schritt, um LMG weiter zu modernisieren sowie zu internationalisieren und neue Produkttechnologien zu realisieren. In der neuen Halle werden zunächst acht neue Produkte gefertigt bei einer geplanten Jahres-Stückzahl von 1.200.000.
Rekordverdächtig ist die geplante Geschwindigkeit der Errichtung der Halle: Aufgrund eines neuen Auftrags für einen namhaften Automobilhersteller, der die Produktion von Komponenten nach Deutschland zurückverlagert, muss die Halle bereits Ende August 2023 bezugsfertig sein und Ende dieses Jahres mit der Serienproduktion begonnen werden.
Landrat Markus Bauer sagte, mit der Investition werde der Salzlandkreis als attraktiver Wirtschafts-, Wohn- und Wissenschaftsstandort weiter gestärkt. „Unser schöner Salzlandkreis bietet tolle Rahmenbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Transformation des Unternehmens.“ Der Landrat sicherte zu, dass die Kreisverwaltung das Bauvorhaben nach Kräften unterstützen werde, um einen schnellen Fortschritt zu gewährleisten. Dafür übergab Markus Bauer eine erste Teilbaugenehmigung zum Spatenstich.
Insgesamt soll der Ausbau der Produktion die bisherige Belegschaft von 170 Beschäftigten auf 290 steigern. Dafür wirbt LMG um Fachkräfte aus der Region. Perspektivisch sei in den nächsten Jahren eine weitere Verdopplung von Produktionsmenge, Anlagen und Beschäftigten geplant, sagte Geschäftsführerin Christine-Susanna Tirnaksiz. Ihr Ziel: „Mit der Erweiterung des Produktportfolios vollziehen wir rechtzeitig die Transformation der Automobilzulieferindustrie und stellen uns damit gut für die Zukunft auf. In jedem in Deutschland produzierten E-Fahrzeug sollen künftig die in Hoym produzierten Teile stecken!“ beschreibt Tirnaksiz ihre Vision.
Mehr Informationen:
“We want to be playing in all the emerging technologies for powering the automotive world in the future”
Interview with Prasan Firodia, Managing Director at Jaya Hind Industries Ltd. and new owner of LMG Manufacturing GmbH in Hoym, Saxony-Anhalt

Your company Jaya Hind has taken over LMG Hoym in December 2022. How did you become aware of the die casting specialist from the Harz foothills?
Jaya Hind Industries India is a pioneering automotive group, which is in existence for over 75 years and employs over 10,000 people. We aspire to grow internationally and become a global component supplier. To fulfill this aspiration to grow internationally, we were on the lookout for acquisition opportunities. That is when the opportunity to take over LMG at Hoym came to the fore front.
What advantages does Saxony-Anhalt offer as a location?
We found that the state of Saxony-Anhalt is comparatively less industrialized and far less crowded than the other states. Saxony-Anhalt is located in the heart of Europe with good transport connections and with possibilities for expansion. We also appreciate the welcoming nature and support provided by the local government for industrial development. We find the work culture in this region to be apt for a manufacturing industry. These are some of the key factors that have been instrumental in arriving at the decision to acquire LMG at Hoym.
What strategy is your group pursuing, especially at LMG Hoym?
Our group in India under the brand of Jaya Hind Industries Pvt. Ltd. operates various businesses. We have significant investments in the fields of automotive components, automotive engine manufacturing, vehicle design, tooling and complete vehicle manufacturing business. The group has significant stake in the automotive industry and caters to both domestic and global OEMs and customers.
In line with the rapid transition that is taking place towards electro mobility / electric vehicles our group also wished to transition from combustion engines to electric drivelines and have a play in the new age technologies. The acquisition of LMG in Germany will help consolidate and establish our core competence in the field of aluminum diecasting and also give us the opportunity to invest and have a significant play in the electro mobility business catering to European as also global customers being catered out of Germany. In our view this is where the future growth lies.
Jaya Hind has been founded 75 years ago – a true pioneer in the automotive industry. How do you assess the current developments in the field of e-mobility?
The speed of transition towards e-mobility has been much greater than what was anticipated a few years ago. Migration towards electro mobility vehicles varies from country to country depending on various external factors. It is generally seen that matured and developed European markets are transitioning at a greater pace towards electro mobility when compared to the emerging economies across the world.
In addition to the above, the transition to electro mobility varies with the segment that is being catered to. For example, the transition is much faster in 2 wheelers and intra-city use vehicles. Whereas the rate of transition in long distance passenger as well as goods movement is comparitively slower. Clearly it appears that the future will have multiple energy options for mobility, be it in the form of electro mobility or alternate fuels like hydrogen, etc.
As a group we clearly want to be playing in all the emerging technologies for powering the automotive world in the future. However, in our view E-Mobility is what is going to grow exponentially in the coming decade.
According to your company, sustainability plays a major role. Can you describe some of the measures you take?
Sustainability across the world is growing in importance. At a group level we have started on developing a plan to create understanding of what impact our various businesses and plants have towards the environment and identifying what initiatives we need to undertake at a group and at plant level to mitigate those impacts. Our aim is to become an automotive group that is steadily moving towards sustainability in a focused manner.
As per the Group Environment policy all our factories comply with the applicable environment regulations. In addition, we are also looking into various green energy options.
One last personal question: Have you already been able to travel in Saxony-Anhalt, and which region or sightseeing attraction did you particularly like?
Since the last six months, I have been visiting Saxony-Anhalt for meetings and discussions regarding the acquisition and management of the company. The weather during this period was not the most suitable for sightseeing. In the coming summer I propose to take time out and travel around this region which has a great history as also natural beauty. I am eagerly looking forward to spending time in the region of Saxony-Anhalt as a tourist and enjoy its natural beauty.